(ACSSCRIPT) SingleLineComments : // Operators : +,-,*,/,&,>>,<< Break Case Const Continue Default Define Do Else For Function Goto If Include Int Open Print PrintBold Restart Script Special Str Suspend Switch Terminate Until Void While World ActivatorTID(void) GameSkill(void) GameType(void) GetActorCeilingZ (int tid) GetActorFloorZ (int tid) GetActorX(int tid) GetActorY(int tid) GetActorZ(int tid) GetActorAngle(int tid) GetActorProperty(int tid, int property) GetAmmoCapacity (str typename) getcvar (str name) GetLevelInfo(int levelinfo) GetLineRowOffset(void) GetScreenWidth(void) GetScreenHeight(void) GetSectorCeilingZ (int tag, int x, int y) GetSectorFloorZ (int tag, int x, int y) GetSectorLightLevel (int tag) LineSide(void) PlayerCount(void) PlayerInGame(int playernumber) PlayerIsBot(int playernumber) PlayerNumber(void) SetResultValue (int value) cos(int angle) fixeddiv(fixed a, fixed b) fixedmul(fixed a, fixed b) sin(int angle) strlen(str string) VectorAngle(fixed x, fixed y) Random(int low, int high) ThingCount(int type, int tid) Timer(void) AmbientSound(str name, int volume) ChangeCamera ChangeCeiling(int tag, str flatname) ChangeFloor(int tag, str flatname) changesky(str sky1, str sky2) ClearLineSpecial(void) SetAirControl(amount) setcameratotexture(int cameratid, str texturename, int fov) SetCeilingTrigger (int tag, int height, int special, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) SetFloorTrigger (int tag, int height, int special, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) SetGravity (fixed amount) SetLineMonsterBlocking(int lineid, int setting) Delay(int ticks) PolyWait(int po) ScriptWait(int script) SetLineBlocking(int line, int blocking) SetLineSpecial(int line, int special, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) SetLineTexture(int line, int side, int position, str texturename) SoundSequence(str name) TagWait(int tag) ThingSound(int tid, str name, int volume) ActivatorSound ( ?, ? ) LocalAmbientSound ( ?, ? ) CheckInventory(str inventory_item) CheckWeapon (str weapon) ClearInventory(void) GiveInventory(str inventory_item, int amount) SetWeapon(str weaponname) TakeInventory(str inventory_item, int amount) CheckActorInventory(int tid, str inventory_item) ClearActorInventory(int tid) TranslucentLine ( lineid, amount ) SectorSound(str name, int volume) Sector_SetGravity ( tag, ipart, fpart ) Sector_SetColor ( tag, r, g, b ) // Sets the color of light in a sector. By default, sectors have white light (red, green, blue are all 255). If a sector's color is changed during gameplay, another sector should already have the desired color (possibly by using an open script to set the color of a dummy sector that the player will never see). This is because there can be a noticable delay while the game constructs the tables for a color for the first time. You can use the testcolor console command to test a color from within the game. Sector_SetFade ( tag, r, g, b ) // Sets the color that lights in the tagged sectors fade to. By default, this is whatever the level's fadeto is specified as being in a MAPINFO lump, or black, if it doesn't specify a fadeto. The note about changing a sector's color during the middle of gameplay also applies here. You can use the testfade console command to test a fade from within the game. Sector_SetRotation ( tag, floorangle, ceilingangle ) Sector_SetFloorScale ( tag, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Sector_SetCeilingScale ( tag, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Sector_SetFloorPanning ( tag, u-int, u-frac, v-int, v-frac ) Sector_SetCeilingPanning ( tag, u-int, u-frac, v-int, v-frac ) Sector_SetWind ( tag, amount, angle, useline ) Sector_SetCurrent ( tag, amount, angle, useline ) Sector_SetDamage ( tag, amount, mod ) // Sets the amount of damage done to a player in a sector. This is in addition to whatever is specified by the sector's special. Damage amount below 20 will only hurt the player if he doesn't have an environment suit. Damages between 20-49 will occasionally hurt the player even with an environment suit on. Damages of 50 and above will always hurt the player unless he is in god mode. Sector_SetFriction ( tag, amount ) Static_Init (tag, prop, flip) ACS_Execute ( script, map, s_arg1, s_arg2, s_arg3 ) ACS_ExecuteWait (script, 0, s_arg1, s_arg2, s_arg3 ) ACS_ExecuteAlways (script, map, s_arg1, s_arg2, s_arg3) ACS_ExecuteWithResult (script, s_arg1, s_arg2, s_arg3) ACS_LockedExecute ( script, map, s_arg1, s_arg2, lock ) ACS_LockedExecuteDoor (script, map, s_arg1, s_arg2, lock) ACS_Suspend ( script, map, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) ACS_Terminate ( script, map, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_Waggle(tag, amp, freq, offset, time) Ceiling_CrushAndRaise ( tag, speed, crush, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay ( tag, speed, crush, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_CrushStop ( tag, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8 (tag, speed, height, neg) Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor (tag, speed) Ceiling_LowerAndCrush ( tag, speed, crush, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_LowerByValue ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Ceiling_LowerInstant ( tag, speed, height ) Ceiling_RaiseInstant (tag, arg1, height) Ceiling_RaiseByValue ( tag, speed, height, arg4,arg5 ) Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA (tag, dspeed, uspeed, crush) Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA (tag, dspeed, uspeed, crush) Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA (tag, dspeed, uspeed, crush) Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8 (tag, speed, height) Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8 (tag, speed, height) Ceiling_RaiseToNearest (tag, speed) Ceiling_LowerToLowest (tag, speed) Ceiling_LowerToFloor (tag, speed) Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA (tag, dspeed, uspeed, crush) DamageThing ( damage, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) HealThing (amount) Door_Close ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Door_LockedRaise ( tag, speed, delay, lock, arg5 ) Door_Animated (tag, speed, delay) Door_CloseWaitOpen (tag, speed, delay, lighttag) Door_Open ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Door_Raise ( tag, speed, delay, arg4, arg5 ) Elevator_LowerToNearest (tag, speed) Elevator_MoveToFloor (tag, speed) Elevator_RaiseToNearest (tag, speed) Floor_CrushStop ( tag, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_LowerByValue ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_LowerByValueTimes8 ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_LowerInstant ( tag, arg2, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_LowerToLowest ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_LowerToNearest ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_RaiseAndCrush ( tag, speed, crush, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_RaiseByValue ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8 ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_RaiseInstant ( tag, arg2, height, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_MoveToValueTimes8 (tag, speed, height, neg) Floor_RaiseToHighest ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_RaiseToNearest ( tag, speed, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Floor_Waggle ( tag, amp, freq, offset, time ) // "Waggles" the floor of the affected sectors in a sine wave. Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling (tag, speed) Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy (tag, speed, height) Floor_RaiseByTexture (tag, speed) Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy (tag, speed) Floor_LowerToHighest (tag, speed, adjust) Floor_Donut (ptag, pspeed, sspeed) Floor_TransferTrigger (tag) Floor_TransferNumeric (tag) Generic_Floor (tag, speed, height, target, flags) Generic_Ceiling (tag, speed, height, target, flag) Generic_Door (tag, speed, kind, delay, lock) Generic_Lift (tag, speed, delay, type, height) Generic_Stairs (tag, speed, height, flags, reset) Generic_Crusher (tag, dspeed, uspeed, silent, crush) Line_Horizon(no parameters required) Line_Mirror(no parameters required) Line_AlignFloor (lineid, side) Line_AlignCeiling (lineid, side) Transfer_Heights (tag, when) Transfer_FloorLight (tag) Transfer_CeilingLight (tag) Transfer_WallLight (tag, nofakecontrast) ExtraFloor_LightOnly(tag, type) Light_ChangeToValue ( tag, value, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Light_Fade ( tag, value, tics, arg4, arg5 ) Light_Flicker ( tag, upper, lower, arg4, arg5 ) Light_ForceLightning Light_Glow ( tag, upper, lower, tics, arg5 ) Light_LowerByValue ( tag, value, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Light_MaxNeighbor (tag) Light_MinNeighbor (tag) Light_RaiseByValue ( tag, value, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Light_Stop (tag) Light_Strobe ( tag, upper, lower, u-tics, l-tics ) Light_StrobeDoom (tag, u-tics, l-tics) Line_SetIdentification ( line, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Pillar_Build ( tag, speed, height, arg4, arg5 ) Pillar_BuildAndCrush ( tag, speed, height, crush, arg5 ) Pillar_Open ( tag, speed, f_height, c_height, arg5 ) FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue (tag, speed, height) FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue (tag, speed, height) FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise (tag, fspeed, cspeed) Plane_Align(floor, ceiling) Plat_DownByValue ( tag, speed, delay, height, arg5 ) Plat_DownWaitUpStay ( tag, speed, delay, arg4, arg5 ) Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip (tag, speed, delay, lip) Plat_PerpetualRaise ( tag, speed, delay, arg4, arg5 ) Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip (tag, speed, delay, lip) Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0 (tag, speed) Plat_Stop ( tag, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Plat_ToggleCeiling (tag) Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay (tag, speed, delay) Plat_UpByValue ( tag, speed, delay, height, arg5 ) Plat_UpByValueStayTx (tag, speed, height) Plat_UpWaitDownStay ( tag, speed, delay, arg4, arg5 ) Polyobj_DoorSlide ( po, speed, angle, distance, delay ) Polyobj_DoorSwing ( po, speed, angle, delay, arg5 ) Polyobj_ExplicitLine ( po, order, mirror, sound, arg5 ) Polyobj_Move ( po, speed, angle, distance, arg5 ) Polyobj_MoveTimes8 ( po, speed, angle, distance, arg5 ) Polyobj_OR_Move ( po, speed, angle, distance, arg5 ) Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8 ( po, speed, angle, distance, arg5 ) Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft ( po, speed, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Polyobj_OR_RotateRight ( po, speed, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Polyobj_RotateLeft ( po, speed, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Polyobj_RotateRight ( po, speed, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Polyobj_StartLine ( po, mirror, sound, arg4, arg5 ) Radius_Quake ( intensity, duration, damrad, tremrad, tid ) Scroll_Texture_Down ( speed, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Scroll_Texture_Left ( speed, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Scroll_Texture_Right ( speed, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Scroll_Texture_Up ( speed, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Scroll_Texture_Both (lineid, left, right, down, up) Scroll_Texture_Model (lineid, scrollbits) Scroll_Texture_Offsets Scroll_Floor (tag, scrollbits, unused, x-move, y-move) Scroll_Ceiling (tag, scrollbits, unused, x-move, y-move) Sector_ChangeSound ( tag, sound, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Stairs_BuildDown ( tag, speed, height, delay, reset ) Stairs_BuildDownSync ( tag, speed, height, reset, arg5 ) Stairs_BuildUp ( tag, speed, height, delay, reset ) Stairs_BuildUpSync ( tag, speed, height, reset, arg5 ) Stairs_BuildUpDoom (tag, speed, height, delay, reset) Teleport_ZombieChanger (tid, tag) Teleport ( tid ) // Teleports the activating thing to a new location. Teleport_EndGame ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Teleport_NewMap ( map, position, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Teleport_NoFog ( tid, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Teleport_Line ( thisid, destid, flip ) // 215 Silently teleports a thing between two lines. A pair of lines with this special can share the same id (thisid and destid are the same) because a line will never teleport to itself. This special also behaves like Line_SetIdentification by setting the line ID of the any lines it is used on. TeleportOther(tid, destination tid, fog?) TeleportGroup(group tid, source tid, destination tid, move source?, fog?) TeleportInSector (tag, source tid, destination tid, fog?, group tid) Exit_Normal (pos) Exit_Secret (pos) Thing_Activate ( tid, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_Deactivate ( tid, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_Destroy ( tid, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_Projectile ( tid, type, angle, speed, vspeed ) Thing_ProjectileGravity ( tid, type, angle, speed, vspeed ) Thing_Remove ( tid, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_Spawn ( tid, type, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_SpawnNoFog ( tid, type, angle, arg4, arg5 ) Thing_SpawnFacing (tid, type, nofog, newtid) Thing_ProjectileIntercept(tid, type, speed, target, newtid) Thing_ProjectileAimed (tid, type, speed, target, newtid) Thing_Damage(tid, amount, MOD) Thing_Move (tid, destid, nofog) Thing_SetSpecial (tid, special, arg1, arg2, arg3) Thing_ChangeTID (oldtid, newtid) Thing_Raise(tid) ThrustThing ( angle, distance, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) ThrustThingZ ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) UsePuzzleItem ( item, script, s_arg1, s_arg2, s_arg3 ) CreateTranslation( arg1, arg2 ) Thing_SetTranslation( arg1, arg2 ) SpawnSpot ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) SetMarineWeapon ( tag, weapon ) Thing_Hate ( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) Thing_SetGoal ( tag, arg2, arg3 ) SetActorAngle (int tid, int angle) SetActorProperty(int tid, int property, int value) setammocapacity(str typename, int maxamount) SetMarineSprite(int tid, str actorclass) SetThingSpecial (tid, special, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) Spawn(str actorclass, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, int tid, int angle) SpawnProjectile (int tid, string type, int angle, int speed, int vspeed, int gravity, int newtid) Thing_Projectile2 (int tid, int type, int angle, int speed, int vspeed, int gravity, int newtid); FadeTo FadeRange CancelFade () SetMusic LocalSetMusic playmovie (str moviename) SetFont(str fontlump) SetHudSize ( width, height, statusbar ) HudMessage ( text, int type, int id, int color, fixed x, fixed y, fixed holdTime ) HudMessageBold ( text, int type, int id, int color, fixed x, fixed y, fixed holdTime ) SetPlayerProperty (who, set, which) StartConversation (talker_tid, facetalker) ForceField (No parameters required) ClearForceField (tag) GlassBreak (dontspawnjunk) NoiseAlert (target_tid, emitter_tid) ChangeSkill (skill) PointPush_SetForce (tag, tid, amount, useline) AutoSave